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  • Fulltone Full-Drive2 v2

    Fulltone Full-Drive2 v2

    Fulltone Full-Drive2 v2 FEATURES: Dimensions: 4.45"W x 4.2"D x 2.5"H 16 gauge cold rolled steel enclosure. Based around the desirable JRC4558 chip and 1990's Full-Drive circuit, with 2 toggle switches for many more sonic options. 30% smaller than the...
    In Stock(7 - 10 Days)
  • Fulltone Ranger

    Fulltone Ranger

    Fulltone Ranger The Fulltone Custom Shop CS-Ranger. The greatest Rangemaster treble booster clone ever? Here's why we think it could be: Proprietary Power supply design allows this PNP (Positive to ground) Germanium pedal to be powered by any standard...
    In Stock(7 - 10 Days)
  • Fulltone 2B Booster

    Fulltone 2B Booster

    Fulltone 2B Booster What is it? The Fulltone 2B is a tiny, transparent, and amazing boost pedal, born from the "Boost" channel in our FD3 pedal. Crammed the circuit into the smallest possible enclosure 4.5" x 2.1" x 2.3" with battery tucked tightly...
    Special Order
  • Fulltone Full-Drive3

    Fulltone Full-Drive3

    Fulltone Full-Drive3 Unlike its cousin the FD2, the FD3 uses both a JFET input and a JFET op-amp, giving it the most tube-like sound you can get out of a tubeless pedal. Along with great sound, these JFET's give the FD3 an ultra-high Input impedance...
    In Stock(7 - 10 Days)